Sunday 27 February 2011

FirstDay in London

The day (15th Nov 2006) when I came to know I have to travel to London, I was damn excited. I never visited any country outside India before. I started seeing it in my dreams everyday. I came to know from my company that they will not be providing any kind of accommodation even for initial days. So it was bit of challenge for me to search that from India. Daily started visiting google pages for London. Started contacting people who already being there or staying there. This is really increasing my network. I decided very much that to understand the culture there I should live in their style on the land without forgetting the boundaries of Indian culture. With all the google/company portal search I found a place in Bowchurch area which was not really far from office in Canary Wharf. Patricia Jusice(a Brit) the owner of flat was in Thailand when I was suppose to Land in her house. 1 of my colleague(Laury) who was already in London somehow managed to get keys for me. The original plan was to take taxi from airport but 1 of my Friend's Husband who was already in London told me to save money by taking underground train. I agreed this as 1 GBP was 87 Rs in those days :). The train journey almost took 2 hrs to rich the station near the house which needed 2 train changes with all bags in my hand. Met Laury at Bow Church station for keys. Someone told me that no one will get ever lost in London because finding address is not so difficult there. But it took me 2 more hours to reach the house from railway station. The distance was only 10 mins walk from station. Few things I noticed. You will not find people on road to ask address especially in winter. Even if you find it for sure they will not know who stays next door or what is next to their house. In such difficult condition when the owner of house is also outside country I called the neighbor of the house and unfortunately she was also not at home. It was difficult for me to tell where I am because she was not able to understand my accent. After sometime that lady's husband (Nick)talked to me and some how I managed to tell him where I am. I was actually standing exactly outside the house but I was not able to figure that out because it was not the house I could have imagined. It was a church turned into house. After waiting for half an hour outside the house in that cold weather which was not bearable for me(person from Pune who never seen snow in life), Nick and his wife landed there to show me the house. It was not a doubt that I spoiled his Saturday eve.After 4 hours of journey from airport to the house I was damn tired and hungry. Without changing I made Maggie for me and Laury  who suffered with me for last 2 hrs in finding the house. I remember while eating he was talking with me but not able to understand a single word because I was damn sleepy and I think he understood that and left after finishing. I landed in bed needless to say it was heaven for me. Dont remember whether i changed my clothes, was in hurry to go to bed because i did not want to waste next Sunday which I decide to go to central London with Laury and Friendz.

This was worth a experience... later I felt I should have given a shot for a wine as the Kitchen of the House was full of wine bottles to remove my tiredness.